Nava Real Estate & Builders

House For Sale in Pilathara

Nava Real Estate and Builders is a Residential Villa Projects for Sale in Palakkad. We offer a wide range of houses for sale in Pilathara, to suit all budgets and needs. Our houses are located in prime locations and are close to all major amenities.

At Nava Real Estate and Builders, we understand that buying a home is a major life decision. That’s why we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and to helping them find the perfect home for their needs.

Why Buy a House from Nava Real Estate and Builders?

  • We have a wide range of houses to choose from, to suit all budgets and needs.
  • Our houses are located in prime locations and are close to all major amenities.
  • We offer a variety of house types to choose from, including villas, apartments, and independent houses.
  • We provide our clients with personalized service and support throughout the buying process.
  • We have a team of experienced and qualified real estate professionals who are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service.

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